Aryana Arsham is Endowed Assistant Professor of Data Science at Goucher College and member of the Center for Data, Mathematical, and Computational Sciences. She earned her Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2019. She then completed her two-year post-doctoral training at The National Cancer Institute. Her research interests are in computational statistics and data analysis.
Smoothing Lexis diagrams using kernel functions: A contemporary approach.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(9), 1799-1810. (2023). Rosenberg PS, Filho
AM, Elrod J, Arsham A, Best AF, Chernyavskiy P.
Cost‐effectiveness analysis under multiple effectiveness outcomes: A probabilistic
Statistics in Medicine, 42(22), 3936-3955. (2023). Arsham A, Bebu I, Mathew T.
Alternative stopping rules to limit tree expansion for random forest models.
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15113. (2022). Little MP, Rosenberg PS, Arsham A.
Effects of stopping criterion on the growth of trees in regression random forests.
The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science, 1-16. (2022). Arsham A, Rosenberg
PS, Little MP.
A Bivariate Regression-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 16(2). (2022). Arsham A, Bebu I, Mathew
Summary of Radiation Research Society Online 66th Annual Meeting, Symposium on “Epidemiology:
Updates on epidemiological low dose studies,” including discussion.
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 97(6), 866–873. (2021).
Milder CM, Kendall GM, Arsham A, Schollnberger H, Wakeford R, Cullings HM, Little
Effects of stopping criterion on the growth of trees in regression random forests
with application to cancer epidemiology
M.P. Little, P.S. Rosenberg, A. Arsham
Joint Statistical Meetings (August 2023)
Probabilistic metrics for cost-effectiveness analysis under multiple effectiveness
A. Arsham, I. Bebu, T. Mathew
42nd Annual North American Meeting (October 2020)
Machine Learning methods used to model UK background gamma ray data and associated
low dose childhood cancer risk
A. Arsham, R. Wakeford, M.P. Little, G.M. Kendall
Radiation Research Society’s 66th Annual Meeting (October 2020)
Effects of stopping criterion in the growth of trees in regression random forests
A. Arsham, P.S. Rosenberg, M.P. Little
Joint Statistical Meetings 2020 (August 2020) 素描之家 hi5 大耳朵英语 皇冠体育 腾讯图片 肝胆相照 365bet体育 新葡京 好库编程网 浩博体育 立博中文 365体育投注 百草堂 宝宝巴士 冰球突破豪华版 媒关系 定州人才网 星夜钢琴网 漫咖啡官网 ENZO珠宝 万翔商城 华股财经频道 价格行情网 新安金融 中国水产频道 房天下 站点地图 陇东学院 诠音网